Dress Code

The Oakdale Golf & Country Club Dress Code Policy Applies To All Facilities Throughout The Clubhouse, Golf Course, And Pickleball Courts As Well As All Members, Guests, And Employees.

Dress Code

In General:
To Maintain the dignity of the Club we require all members and guests to dress in good taste. It is the member’s responsibility to inform his or her guests of the following dress code. Oakdale Golf & Country Club does allow the wearing of “Country Club Denim” which excludes any kind with rips, frayed edges, holes, or that is inappropriately sized. Children less than 18 years old may be allowed limited variances to the length of the hemmed clothing due to fashion availability.

In general, swimwear, message shirts, cotton t-shirts, muscle shirts, tube tops, halter tops, visible undergarments, cut-off shorts, and tank tops for men are not permitted. Compliance with the dress code is mandated for all members and guests. Anyone refusing to comply will have an incident report filed with the Club Manager and may be asked to leave.

Golf Course

Golf Course - Men:
Traditional collared shirts or mock turtle-necked shirts must be worn. No T-shirts, tank tops or sleeveless shirts. No bare feet. Shorts must be hemmed to the tips of your thumb while standing. “Country Club Denim” okay, but athletic warm-ups and jogging pants prohibited.

Golf Course - Women:
Golf appropriate tops must be worn. No bare midriffs and straps must be at least 2” wide. No bare feet. Shorts, skorts or skirts must be hemmed at least as long as the tips of your thumb while standing. “Country Club Denim” and yoga pants or leggings (with or without skirt) okay.

Pickleball Courts

Pickleball Men:
Tennis/athletic shirts with sleeves are mandatory. Collarless athletic shirts okay as long as they are without messages, large graphics, are generally solid in color, free of rips or tears, and reach the top of the shorts. Shorts must meet the same length requirements for golf. Athletic warm-up or jogging pants okay. Shirts must be worn at all times – no exception.

Pickleball Women:
Tennis/athletic shirts are acceptable. Athletic shirts okay as long as they are without messages, large graphics, are generally solid in color, free of rips or tears, and reach the top of the shorts/skirt. Shorts, skirts or skorts must meet the same length requirements as golf. No bare midriffs. Athletic warm-up, yoga, or jogging pants okay.Shoes: Black soled shoes are not allowed on the courts; proper tennis/athletic shoes only for your safety. No sandals or bare feet allowed.


All golf and pickleball attire is permitted in and around the clubhouse (except in the dining room during dinner) and on the patio as long as it is in excellent condition and provides sufficient coverage. Shoes (sandals and flip flops permitted) must be worn at all times.

Dining Room:
Proper attire which reflects good taste and neatness is required for dining and special events in the clubhouse and surrounding areas. Men are not allowed to wear hats and attire must be at least golf (not pickleball) appropriate in the dining room during regular dinner service

Themed parties may be excluded from the dress code, with Club Manager approval.